TRAVIS KRACLName: Travis Kracl

Hometown: Schuyler, NE

Years at PVE: 23

Position: Service Technician

Apple pie cooling on the counter. Freezer filled with at least four buckets of ice cream. A friendly smile and welcoming wave on a hot summer day. That was Rose. Rose happened to be one of Travis Kracl’s favorite neighbors – for good reason. It was at Rose’s house where Travis realized his career path.

“I was having pie and ice cream at Rose’s table one day and she says, ‘You know, Travis, you like fixing stuff and you always seemed to like doing that. You should go to school to do that,’” recalled Travis. “I was in grade school, but that really solidified the idea that that was the path I wanted to take.”

Growing up on his family’s cow-calf operation, Travis was always interested in the equipment side of the business.

It seemed like I always gravitated to working out in the shop at the farm. I’d see things that needed to be fixed and I’d take the initiative to fix ‘em,” Travis said. “Dad would rather work cattle, but I’d rather be fixing equipment.”

Travis credits his grandfather as one of the influencers in his interest in ag mechanics.

“Growing up, Grandpa would always teach me how to do preventative maintenance and take care of tools. Some of my favorite memories were working with him every year to get our Oliver 33 combine ready for harvest,” Travis reminisced.

Travis wavered just once in his resolve to be a technician. Experiences in FFA and an inspiring advisor were enough for Travis to consider becoming an ag instructor. With the encouragement of his guidance counselor, Travis signed up for advanced math and physics senior year – classes meant to test his interest in pursuing the path further.

“I’d always been a B+ or A- student,” Travis said. “But I barely passed advanced math and physics. It was a struggle, but it taught me one thing. I had to take a more practical path that was a better fit for me.”

Travis graduated from the JDTech program at Southeast Community College in Milford and started working in the Clarkson store. Twenty-three years later, he now serves as the lead technician in Clarkson for sprayers and tractors. While he didn’t become an ag instructor, his heart for teaching and inspiring others has only grown.

“I always admired my ag instructor. He always had a way of getting through to people. I admired the way that he could handle housekeeping software situations at and that’s what I try to do today,” Travis said. “I try to make the best out of any situation. Whether that’s an unhappy customer or a project that just isn’t turning out like I expected. I try to be positive, friendly, and helpful in the shop.”

As the lead technician, Travis mentors fellow technicians with all levels of experience.

“Everybody needs a little guidance. I remember being a fresh tech in the shop and getting guidance from Bernie Hegemenn (who now works in parts at Clarkson),” Travis said. “I don’t want to be somebody who’s going to tell other techs what to do and how to do it, but I want to offer my experience and point of view on their projects.”

Travis’s positive attitude, commitment to the customer, and heart for helping others hasn’t gone unnoticed.

“Travis is a hard worker and will always volunteer to work the late hours to get the customers going,” said Darren Gall, store lead in Clarkson. “Travis is not a selfish person. He always looks out for everyone else before himself.”

“Travis puts customers, employees, and PVE before his own personal interests time and time again,” remarked Seth Scott, aftermarket manager. “He is truly a leader in the organization.”

In his free time, Travis enjoys working on his family’s farm, spending time with his wife, Kari, and their two daughters. If you want an interesting conversation, ask him about his days as a stock car racer.

Congratulations on being nominated as Clarkson’s Pride of Platte Valley!

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