Customer Testimonial: Soybean Singulation Seed Discs

Platte Valley Equipment customer, Jerame Rief, leaves us with his final thoughts on John Deere's Soybean Singulation Seed Discs after using them for the first time this year. Read more about his experience here!

JD's 64-Cell Soybean Seed Disc

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Getting the Most From Your Data During and After Harvest



Harvest may be wrapping up, but that doesn’t mean that this year’s growing season is completely over. When the combines are stored in the shed, there is still one step left. This step involves making decisions for next year’s growing season based on the data that has been collected in the current growing season.  

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Common Yield Map Errors and How to Avoid Them

John Deere combine harvest


Yield maps are a valuable agronomic decision making tool. Unfortunately, they are rarely perfect straight out of the combine. By understanding common problems and their symptoms, many of these issues can be avoided during harvest or repaired in the John Deere Operations Center with a few simple steps.

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The Most Versatile Sensor on the Market- The John Deere HarvestLab 3000

Benchtop HarvestLab 3000The John Deere HarvestLab 3000 is one of the most versatile and impressive sensors on the market. With one sensor you can measure forage quality during harvest, use it as a benchtop laboratory analysis tool for measuring stored feed, and even use it as a liquid manure constituent sensor. This enables real-time decision making that improves animal health, feed management decisions, and applications of liquid manure to crop ground.

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Sprayer Performance Upgrade Kits

John Deere Sprayers

John Deere performance upgrade kits provide an excellent option to get the latest sprayer technology in your operation. These retrofit options allow you to install the latest John Deere sprayer technology on an existing sprayer, enabling features such as individual nozzle control, AutoTrac Vision and RowSense, See and Spray, and many others.

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Planter Performance Upgrade Kits

John Deere planter performance upgrade kit

John Deere performance upgrade kits provide an excellent option to get the latest planter technology in your operation. These retrofit options allow you to install the latest John Deere planter technology on an existing planter or toolbar, enabling features such as high-speed planting at speeds up to 10 mph, individual row hydraulic downforce, pneumatic row cleaners and closing wheels that are adjustable from the in-cab display, and many more.

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Making Sense of Planter Downforce Margin

John Deere Gen 4 Display showing Ground Contact Percentage

One of the most frequently asked questions our teams receive during the planting season is how to correctly set planter downforce margin. Unfortunately, there is no straight-forward answer or a standard number to enter into the display. However, by understanding how downforce margin works and some best practices for setting it correctly, it can be successfully achieved.

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New John Deere Soybean Seed Disk Results in Improved Seed Singulation and Profits

John Deere Soybean Seed Disk A105848

John Deere recently released an exciting upgrade for planting soybeans with MaxEmerge XP, MaxEmerge 5, and MaxEmerge 5e row units. The new 64-hole soybean seed disk is a departure from traditional soybean disks, but will result in many agronomic benefits such as improved seed singulation, seed spacing, and population control. As a result, planting soybeans at university recommended lower seeding rates will maintain yields while saving on seed costs, thereby improving profits.


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Research Agrees: Your Closing Wheels Deserve a Second Thought.

You may not give much thought to those two chunks of rubber at the end of your row units. However, research shows those closing wheels matter more now than ever. Why?

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Snow's on the ground, but spring will come eventually. With spring comes planting.

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