Name: Todd Aspy

Hometown: Fremont, NE

Service Technician

Growing up on the farm, Todd worked alongside his dad fixing and operating equipment. He got his first taste of equipment on his dad’s John Deere 45 combine.

“I was about four years old when dad first let me drive,” Todd recalled with a laugh. “I wouldn’t say I was terrified, but I couldn’t stop because I couldn’t reach the pedals!”

He credits his farm experience for his interest in mechanics.

“I’d enjoy farming full-time, but we don’t have the acres to do that,” Todd explained. “Aside from farming, I wanted to be a service technician. I didn’t have any other careers in mind, so I started down that path and that was the end of it.”

Todd attended Northeast Community College in Norfolk and interned at Platte Valley Equipment during his program. After graduation, he worked in Wayne before making his way back to the Fremont store to be closer to home.

Todd learned to “do things right the first time” from his dad while growing up on his family’s farm in Fremont. He brings that lesson to work now as a traveling service technician based in the Fremont store. Todd is a sprayer specialist but helps out on all equipment during the busy planting and harvest seasons.

TODD ASPYAs a road technician, Todd spends most of his time outside of the shop. He enjoys the opportunities the role provides to interact with customers on a daily basis. Working on sprayers is a challenge that Todd takes to heart.

“I enjoy figuring out how each system works and finding the solution when it goes down,” Todd said.

Todd’s commitment to the customer and attitude are what earned him this month’s nomination for Pride of Platte Valley.

“Todd is a great example of what an employee with drive, determination and a great attitude can do within a company,” said Todd Roland, store lead in Fremont. “Todd digs in on an issue and sees it through until it is fixed correctly.”

Todd’s expertise on application equipment has earned him total customer confidence. He regularly teaches at customer clinics and lends a helping hand to other technicians when needed.

“Our customers have great confidence in Todd,” said Roland. “I hear it over and over when meeting with customers about an issue on a machine. They say, ‘I’m not worried, Todd knows about it.’ This confidence that Todd gives our customers on taking care of the issues makes everything at our store run smoother.”

Outside of work, Todd runs his family’s farm and livestock operation with his wife, Jennie, and their four children. Off the farm, they can often be found at a bowling alley watching the kids bowl competitively or playing for fun as a family.

Congratulations on being nominated as Fremont’s Pride of Platte Valley!

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