Fremont Precision Ag Specialist, Hunter Persing


Name: Hunter Persing

Hometown: Crete, NE

Years at PVE: 1 Year, 5 Months

Precision Ag Specialist




How many people do you know that could balance being a full-time college student on top of being a full-time employee? Well, you can add one more to that list because Precision Ag Specialist, Hunter Persing, did just that when he started at Platte Valley Equipment on March 8, 2021.

Hunter recalls his roommate, Brennan Roth [out of Wahoo] always talking about how much he enjoyed his job, working at Platte Valley Equipment.

Hunter told him, "If something like your job ever comes up, let me know." Sure enough, a position opened up at the Fremont location, so he applied and got the job.

Coming into Platte Valley Equipment, Hunter didn't know anyone except Brennan [Roth]. He was fresh out of college and had started a job where he knew no one. Hunter stated, "Once I came here, I could see that everyone prides themselves on Platte Valley Equipment's customer service."

"That's where Platte Valley sticks out - is their customer service."

Hunter enjoys that fact that you get that rural community feel and that Platte Valley is a small enough company that, at any time, the General Manager, can walk down the stairs and strike up a conversation.

Hunter finds joy in his job because his customers view him as an asset. He likes knowing that his customers depend on him and respect him and his opinions.

Hunter also noted, "You can spark up one conversation with a guy who's having issues and next thing you know, he's bringing his tractors to get serviced and buying equipment from the Account Managers." It's kind of like a domino effect. One event starts a whole series of events.

Growing up, Hunter spent a lot of time helping and observing his great-grandfather on the farm. "He farmed until he was 87, and that's all he ever knew," he stated. This is where Hunter's love and passion for agriculture started.

In his free time, you can find Hunter boating and "sometimes" fishing. During the summer, you'll more than likely find him camping if he's not at work.

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