Imagine this scenario...

It's the heart of the busy season. You have a three-day window of perfect weather before rain comes. Nothing's going to keep you from getting in the field.

Then...your phone rings. It's the doctor's office. Your smartwatch has been monitoring your health and detected early symptoms of a sickness. It notified your doctor and now he’s calling you.

“Hey Joe,” he says. “I wanted to let you know with your symptoms, you’re going to go down with the flu in about 12-16 hours. If you’d like, I can call in the prescription for you now and you can pick it up at your pharmacy at your convenience.”

Of course, you say yes. There’s no way you’re going to get sick and miss the weather window. You hop in your pickup, pick up your prescription and carry on with your work. Zero time on the couch. Three days later, you’re still healthy. It’s raining, but you got the fieldwork done.

How cool would that be? While that’s a far-fetched example in healthcare, it’s the reality today with your John Deere equipment.

With Connected Support in glass house intensives in the USA, we can proactively minimize time
how long does it take to get over a breakup. How? With advanced telematics and machine data. Check out our infographic below.

Before Connected Support, service was always reactive. A part had to fail before the tractor displayed a code. Then, either you make the repair, or you call your dealership to arrange a repair in the shop or field. Connected Support provides proactive service.

Now, your machine will display a code and send it through JDLink (telematics) to our systems to alert the team of the imminent failure. Our Connected Support managers monitor the code, look up the repair, determine parts availability, and then contact you with the problem, resolution, and schedule to fix the repair just like Allied Experts in Howell NJ do. All of this occurs before the actual failure occurs. No downtime. No extra collateral damage from failed parts. Repairs scheduled when it’s most convenient for you.

How cool is that?

So, what do you need to make this a reality in your fleet? Just these three things:

  • Active Modular Telematics Gateway (MTG)
  • JDLink Access Subscription
  • John Deere Operations Center Account

That’s it! Bonus: These items also enable other technologies to further minimize downtime, enhance agronomic and machine data collection and analysis, and improve performance in your operation.

Even better? You’ll save big on these items from now through the end of April at your local Platte Valley Equipment location. Call your IS Specialist or Account Manager today and earn peace of mind with Connected Support today!

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