Getting the Most From Your Data During and After Harvest



Harvest may be wrapping up, but that doesn’t mean that this year’s growing season is completely over. When the combines are stored in the shed, there is still one step left. This step involves making decisions for next year’s growing season based on the data that has been collected in the current growing season.  

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Common Yield Map Errors and How to Avoid Them

John Deere combine harvest


Yield maps are a valuable agronomic decision making tool. Unfortunately, they are rarely perfect straight out of the combine. By understanding common problems and their symptoms, many of these issues can be avoided during harvest or repaired in the John Deere Operations Center with a few simple steps.

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Sprayer Performance Upgrade Kits

John Deere Sprayers

John Deere performance upgrade kits provide an excellent option to get the latest sprayer technology in your operation. These retrofit options allow you to install the latest John Deere sprayer technology on an existing sprayer, enabling features such as individual nozzle control, AutoTrac Vision and RowSense, See and Spray, and many others.

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Planter Performance Upgrade Kits

John Deere planter performance upgrade kit

John Deere performance upgrade kits provide an excellent option to get the latest planter technology in your operation. These retrofit options allow you to install the latest John Deere planter technology on an existing planter or toolbar, enabling features such as high-speed planting at speeds up to 10 mph, individual row hydraulic downforce, pneumatic row cleaners and closing wheels that are adjustable from the in-cab display, and many more.

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Your data insights are only as good as the data you collect. If you don’t set up your monitor, inputs, and settings correctly, you won’t have good data to use when it’s time to make business decisions. But once you collect all this great data…how do you manage it so you can use it to advance your operation?

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Annoyance. Frustration. Slight Panic. You know the feeling. When your planter isn’t planting correctly or your map isn’t working properly, it can certainly turn a good day sour. To avoid in-season delays, we always recommend a pre-season machine inspection. Pre-season inspections identify parts to be replaced, parts that might fail during the season, and tests to ensure proper operation. When it comes to challenges in season, try these basic troubleshooting tips to solve low-level issues. If an issue continues, give our precision ag specialist a call or contact our service departments to help you get back up and running.

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