LACEE GUSTAFSONName: Lacee Gustafson

Hometown: Malmo, NE

Service Writer

Years at PVE: 8

Lacee grew up just a few miles from the Platte Valley Equipment store in Wahoo. Growing up on her family’s farm in Malmo, she was familiar with PVE and some of the employees there. Lacee started out in the PVE accounting department shortly after graduating from college.

“One of the employees was friends with my brother and I knew him pretty well,” Lacee said. “He knew I was looking for a job and thought I should apply for the open accounting role.”

Six years after her start, Lacee was asked to work in the service department to provide assistance while the accounting department was slow. Shortly after, she transitioned fully into the role as service writer.

“The transition was kind of difficult because everyone assumes you know what you’re doing in your new role just because you’ve worked in the business already,” Lacee explained. “But this role is totally different from what I was doing in accounting.”

As service writer, Lacee has a variety of responsibilities including reviewing warranty claims, finalizing invoices, and managing the billing for the trucking department for all four locations.

“Lacee does all the little things to keep everything rolling and make my job that much easier,” said Andy Arps, Wahoo service manager, “Her work helps me have more time to call on customers and keep shop progress moving forward. She’s a life saver.”

While Lacee works more with the service technicians than customers, she’s an asset behind the scenes ensuring customer satisfaction.

“I enjoy working with the technicians,” Lacee said. “They’re easy to talk to, easy to get along with, and entertaining. At least one of them has a good story to tell each day.”

“The technicians have respect for her,” said Jeremy Vrana, career development lead and Lacee’s co-worker, “She’s a quiet leader who leads by example. She gets her job done, cares for the customer, and makes sure the customer is connected with the right resource for their issue – whether that’s sales, service or ISG.”

Lacee’s positive attitude and contributions to the customer experience are what earned her a nomination for Pride of Platte Valley.

“Lacee’s contagious smile and laugh contribute to the upbeat feel of the store,” said Ross Miller, Wahoo store lead. “Her attitude helps turn negative situations into positive experiences. She is incredibly smart and has been a great strength in the service department.”

Outside of work, Lacee spends as much time as she can outdoors. She enjoys reading, hunting, fishing, camping, shooting, and kayaking.

Congratulations on being nominated as Wahoo’s Pride of Platte Valley!

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